The Bloom of Unity: A Tale of Friendship and Magic

Once upon a time, there was a magical garden where flowers bloomed all year round. One day, a messenger came to the garden with an invite to a spell-casting competition. The prize was to defeat the evil witch who had frozen the whole kingdom. The flowers in the garden were determined to win and use their magic to thaw the land. But as they practiced their spells, they realized that the witch's magic was too strong. Just when they were about to give up, a flower named Daisy had an idea. She suggested that they join their magic together and cast a spell as one. And so, they did. With the combined power of the flowers, the witch's spell was melted and the kingdom was finally free from the eternal winter.


  1. What did the messenger come to the garden for?
  2. Why was the kingdom frozen?
  3. How did the flowers defeat the witch?
  4. Why was Daisy's idea important?
  5. What did the flowers learn about friendship and teamwork in the end?

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