Max's Mission to the Stars

Once upon a time, in a faraway galaxy, there lived a brave pilot named Max. Max was the captain of a spaceship powered by oxygen and fuel. One day, Max's mission was to take a satellite to a new planet. The scenery was breathtaking, with stars shining brighter than diamonds and planets glowing like emeralds. To steer his ship, Max used a durable nylon rope that never failed him. He also had a powerful burner that helped him speed up when needed. Max successfully delivered the satellite and returned to Earth with tales of adventure and beauty. The end.


  1. What powered Max's spaceship?
  2. What was Max's mission?
  3. What did Max use to steer his ship?
  4. What did Max return with after delivering the satellite?
  5. Can you describe the scenery Max saw during his journey?

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