Fin's Brave Journey

Once upon a time, in a mighty river, there lived many creatures. Some swam upstream, others downstream. One day, a young fish named Fin was given a task. He had to find a special type of plant that only grew in the rapids, far downstream from where he lived. Fin set out on his journey, but he soon realized that the rapids were filled with predators that could harm him. Fin was brave, so he continued on his mission, determined to complete his task. Finally, after swimming through the dangerous rapids, he found the special plant. It was spawning new plants, and Fin was overjoyed! He gathered as many as he could and swam back upstream to share the good news with his friends. Fin learned that even the smallest creatures could do big things with courage and determination.


  1. What was Fin's task?
  2. Why did Fin have to swim downstream to complete his task?
  3. What did Fin find in the rapids?
  4. What did Fin learn from his journey?
  5. How did Fin's determination and bravery help him complete his mission?

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