The Safe Bike Riders of the Community

Once upon a time, there was a small community that loved to ride bikes down a big and steep downhill. But one day, a little boy named Max hurt his wrist while riding without a helmet. The other kids in the community saw this and realized how dangerous it was to not wear a helmet while riding.

So they all got together and decided to make their community more safe. They started wearing helmets every time they rode their bikes, and helped others do the same. They also made sure to check their bikes before riding, to make sure they were in good condition.

Max's wrist healed, and he was so happy to be able to ride his bike again. He proudly wore his helmet and told everyone about how wearing a helmet can keep them safe.

The little community continued to have fun riding their bikes down the big and steep downhill, but now they were all safe and protected with their helmets. And they all lived happily ever after.


  1. Why was it important for the kids in the community to wear helmets while riding bikes?
  2. What did Max do to help others understand the importance of safety while riding bikes?
  3. How did the community change after Max's accident?
  4. Why is it important to check your bike before riding?
  5. Can you think of other ways to stay safe while doing activities you enjoy?

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