The Brave Patrol Leader

Once upon a time, there was a situation at the academy. A group of students was lost on a patrol in the forest. The teachers were worried and couldn't find them. But one brave student named Sarah came forward and offered to help find the lost classmates with her trusty map and compass.
Sarah and her friends set out on their search mission, facing challenges such as crossing a river and climbing a mountain. But with teamwork and determination, they finally located their missing classmates who were safely playing and exploring in a meadow.
Everyone was overjoyed and grateful to Sarah for her heroism. From that day on, she was known as the academy's best patrol leader. The end.


  1. Who was the main character in the story?
  2. Why did the teachers and classmates need help?
  3. What challenges did Sarah and her friends face on their search mission?
  4. How did they find the lost classmates?
  5. What did Sarah become known as at the academy?

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