Lily and her Simple & Compound Machines

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play with machines. One day, she learned about simple machines in school and was fascinated by them. She decided to build one at home using a hinged lever.

She found a board, a rock, and some nails and got to work. She hinged the board to the wall and placed the rock on one end. When she pushed down on the other end, the rock rose up in the air! She had made a simple machine!

Excited by her success, Lily decided to make a compound machine by combining two or more simple machines. She added gears, pulleys, and levers to her hinged lever and created a machine that could lift heavy objects with ease.

Lily was proud of her creation and showed it off to all of her friends. They were amazed by how something so simple could do such a big job. From that day on, Lily was known as the machine-building mastermind among her friends.

The end.


  • What is a simple machine?
  • What did Lily use to build her simple machine?
  • What is a compound machine?
  • How did Lily turn her simple machine into a compound machine?
  • What was the result of Lily's machine-building efforts?

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