Stepdad's Suggestions: A Safe Adventure on the Sea

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to go on adventures with her stepdad. One day, her stepdad suggested that they go on a boat trip. They packed a picnic basket and set off to find the perfect cabin cruiser.

When they finally found a beautiful cabin boat, they put on their life jackets and set off into the open sea. The calm water was perfect for their adventure. They explored different islands and went fishing.

However, as the sun began to set, a strong wind started to blow and the waves grew higher. Lily's stepdad suggested that they head back to the cabin to stay safe. They quickly made their way back to the boat and put on their life jackets.

As they navigated through the rough waters, Lily's stepdad reminded her to keep calm and follow his lead. They safely made it back to shore, where they sat by the fire and roasted marshmallows.

From then on, Lily knew to always listen to her stepdad's suggestions and to always wear her life jacket on their adventures.


  1. What did Lily and her stepdad do on their boat trip?
  2. Why was it important to wear a life jacket?
  3. What happened when they were on the water?
  4. How did Lily's stepdad help them get back safely?
  5. Why is it important to listen to suggestions from someone you trust?

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