The Power of Paddling Together

Once upon a time, there were two stepsisters named Sarah and Emily. They had planned a vacation to go on a canoe ride through a beautiful river. On the way, they encountered a strong gust of wind that made the canoe unstable. Sarah and Emily began to argue about who would paddle harder to control the canoe.

But then, they remembered their mother's advice to always work together and repeat it whenever they faced a challenge. So, they both paddled together and finally reached their destination safely. From then on, they made sure to paddle together on every adventure they took. The end.


  1. Why did Sarah and Emily start arguing while they were on the canoe ride?
  2. What advice did their mother give them to help them work together?
  3. How did Sarah and Emily feel when they finally reached their destination safely?
  4. What did they learn from this experience?
  5. How would you have handled the situation if you were one of the stepsisters?

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