The Critters' Adventure in the Moist Soil

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a colony of tiny critters who lived together in the moist soil. They were always looking for something to digest and keep them strong. But one day, they discovered that there was a parasite living among them, who was taking all the moisture and leaving them with nothing to eat.

The critters didn't know what to do, so they asked for help from their wise leader. He told them to imagine a world where everyone shared and worked together, and that's exactly what they did. They gathered all their strength and chased away the parasite, making sure that everyone had enough moisture and food to stay healthy.

And that's how the colony of critters learned to live in harmony, sharing and working together to make sure that they all had what they needed to survive. And they lived happily ever after. The end.


-What did the critters do when they discovered the parasite in their colony?
-How did the critters learn to live in harmony and share resources?
-Why was it important for the critters to imagine a better world?
-What lesson did the critters learn in the end?

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