The Leap to Olympic Glory

Once upon a time, there was a young athlete named Jack who loved to leap and perform gymnastics. He dreamed of competing in the Olympics one day and becoming the best gymnast in the world.

One day, Jack entered a marathon where he would have to balance and stroke his way to the finish line. Despite the challenges, Jack remained determined and didn't give up. He practiced every day, working hard to improve his skills and build his strength.

Finally, the day of the Olympic Games arrived, and Jack was ready to compete. He amazed the crowd with his incredible leaps and balances, wowing judges and spectators alike. And when the marathon began, Jack showed off his strength and endurance, crossing the finish line first and earning the gold medal!

From that day forward, Jack was known as an Olympic champion, inspiring other young athletes to follow their dreams and never give up.


  1. What was Jack's dream?
  2. What did Jack do to prepare for the Olympics?
  3. What was the most challenging part of the marathon for Jack?
  4. How did Jack feel when he won the gold medal?
  5. Why is Jack an inspiration to other young athletes?

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