Bay the Brave: A Tale of Courage and Friendship.

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a squire who owed a large debt. To repay it, he had to sell his beloved mare named Bay. She was the most beautiful horse in the town and everyone loved her.

One day, while Bay was out harvesting in the fields, she heard a clatter and saw a man on horseback courting a woman. Bay soon realized that the man was actually a parson and the woman was the squire's daughter.

Bay felt sad that her owner was going through financial difficulty and decided to help. She went to the parson and asked for his help. He agreed and together they worked hard to repay the debt.

In no time, the debt was paid and the squire was able to keep Bay. The parson and the squire's daughter fell in love and got married, and Bay became the pride of the town once again.

From then on, Bay lived a happy life and was loved by everyone in the town. She was known as the horse who helped repay a debt and bring happiness to the town.


  1. Why did the squire have to sell Bay?
  2. How did Bay feel about her owner's debt?
  3. What did Bay do to help repay the debt?
  4. Who fell in love and got married in the end?
  5. Why was Bay known as the pride of the town?

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