A Journey of Faith: The Friendship of Jacob and Michael

A story for kids:
Once upon a time, there was a young Jewish boy named Jacob who lived in a small village. He was very proud of his religion and culture. One day, his grandfather gave him a Mezuzah, a special object that Jews hang on their doorpost as a symbol of their faith. He learned that a Mezuzah is one of the 613 Mitzvot, or commandments, in the Torah.
Every Friday night, Jacob would light candles and say the prayers with his family to celebrate the Sabbath. He would recite the Shema, a key prayer in the Hebrew language, and listen to the shofar, a horn made from a ram's horn, being blown.
One day, Jacob met a Roman Catholic boy named Michael who was curious about his religion. Jacob explained to him about his traditions and beliefs. Michael was fascinated and wanted to learn more. They went to the synagogue together where Jacob showed him the Torah, the holy book of Judaism.
From that day on, Jacob and Michael became great friends and learned much from each other about their different religions. They discovered that even though they were different, they both had strong faith and love for their God.
The end.


  1. Why was Jacob proud of his religion and culture?
  2. What did Jacob's grandfather give him?
  3. What is the purpose of lighting candles on Friday nights?
  4. What is the Shema prayer about?
  5. What is the Torah?
  6. How did Jacob and Michael become friends?
  7. Why did they both have strong faith and love for their God?

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