The Brave Ox and the Lantern

Once upon a time, in a colonial village, there lived an ox named Oscar. Oscar was strong and hard-working, but he had one problem – he was afraid of the dark. One night, as he was pulling a cart filled with goods, he got lost on the way home. Suddenly, he remembered his owner's lantern, hanging on the wall of the barn. Oscar bravely took the lantern and set off to find his way home. Along the way, he met other oxen who were also lost and scared. Together, they walked through the dark, using the light from the lantern to guide them. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they came upon their village, and all the oxen cheered with joy. From that day on, Oscar was no longer afraid of the dark, and the lantern became an important tool for him and his friends during their work during the colonial period.


  1. What was Oscar afraid of?
  2. Why did Oscar take the lantern?
  3. Who did Oscar meet on his way home?
  4. Did the lantern help Oscar find his way home?
  5. How did Oscar feel at the end of the story?

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