The Schoolhouse's Farm Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a traffic jam in the city. A small schoolhouse was stuck in the middle of the road, with cars honking all around it. Suddenly, the door of the schoolhouse opened and out popped a little plow. The plow pushed all the cars to the side of the road, clearing the way for the schoolhouse to get to its destination.

The schoolhouse finally arrived at a farm, where a farmer was waiting for it. The farmer had a problem: his refrigerator was broken and he needed to fix it before the food inside went bad. The schoolhouse helped the farmer by using its washbasin to cool down the refrigerator. The farmer was so grateful that he offered to give the schoolhouse a tour of the farm.

The schoolhouse and the farmer had a great time exploring the farm together. They saw all sorts of animals, and the schoolhouse even got to try plowing a field. At the end of the day, the farmer thanked the schoolhouse for its help and the schoolhouse went back to the city, ready for another exciting adventure.


  1. Why did the traffic jam happen in the story?
  2. What did the schoolhouse do to help the farmer fix his refrigerator?
  3. What did the schoolhouse and the farmer do on the farm together?
  4. How did the farmer thank the schoolhouse for its help?
  5. What was the most exciting part of the schoolhouse's adventure on the farm?

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