Max the Oceanographer and the Fish Census

Once upon a time, there was a curious oceanographer named Max who loved to explore the ocean and all its creatures. One day, Max decided to conduct a census of all the fish in the ocean. To do this, he attached a special tag to each fish he encountered, so he could keep track of their movements. However, Max soon realized that some fish were too fast for him to tag with his hands. So, he invented a special tool called a "feeler" to help him tag the fish from a distance. With his feeler, Max was able to tag all the fish in the ocean and record important information about their behavior. The end.


  1. Why did Max want to conduct a census of the fish in the ocean?
  2. What was the special tool that Max invented to help him tag the fish?
  3. How did Max use the "feeler" to tag the fish?
  4. What information did Max record about the fish during the census?

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