The Salad Making Adventures of Aubergine, Carrot, Cucumber, Corn, and Pepper

Once upon a time in a beautiful garden, there lived four vegetable friends named Aubergine, Carrot, Cucumber, and Corn. They all loved spending their days in the warm sun and soaking up all the nutrients the earth had to offer.

One day, they decided they wanted to make a delicious salad together to share with all the other plants in the garden. Aubergine went out to pick some fresh lettuce, Carrot dug up some tasty carrots, Cucumber plucked some juicy cucumbers, and Corn gathered some sweet corn kernels.

As they prepared their salad, they asked a friendly pepper that lived nearby to join in, and the pepper happily accepted. Together, they chopped and diced, tossed and mixed, and finally, their salad was ready.

The other plants in the garden were so excited to try the salad, and as they took their first bites, they all exclaimed, "Wow, this is the best salad we've ever had!"

From that day on, Aubergine, Carrot, Cucumber, Corn, and Pepper were known as the best salad makers in the garden, and all the plants looked forward to their delicious creations.

The end.


  1. Why did the vegetable friends decide to make a salad together?
  2. How did the other plants in the garden react to the vegetable friends' salad?
  3. What did the vegetable friends and pepper become known as in the garden after making the salad?

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