Billy the Bear's Morning Porridge

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Billy. Billy lived in a cozy cave in the forest with his mom and dad. One morning, Billy woke up to the sound of his dad knocking on his door.
"Billy, it's time to get up," Dad said. "We have porridge for breakfast."
Billy groaned and rubbed his eyes. He didn't want to get up yet.
"Do I have to?" Billy whined.
"Yes, you do," Dad answered. "Now hurry up and come eat before it gets cold."
Billy got out of bed and followed his dad to the kitchen. The porridge smelled delicious. Billy gobbled it up quickly and felt much better.
"Thanks, Dad," Billy said with a smile.
"You're welcome," Dad smiled back. "Now it's time to go outside and play."
And so Billy went outside to play, happy and full from his breakfast of porridge. But he always made sure to return home before dinner time. The end.


  1. What did Billy have for breakfast?
  2. How did Billy feel when he woke up?
  3. Who woke Billy up in the morning?
  4. Why did Billy have to go outside and play?
  5. Did Billy like his breakfast of porridge?

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