Benny the Brave Bear: An Adventure in Helpfulness

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Benny who lived in a cozy cave with his family. One morning, Benny woke up to the smell of porridge cooking. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and got out of bed to go see what was happening. When he arrived at the kitchen, his parents were busy cooking breakfast. Benny's father asked him to go and see who was knocking at the door.

Benny groaned, not wanting to leave the warm kitchen, but he obediently made his way to the door. When he opened it, he found a little bird who was making a loud whine. The bird asked him if he had seen her lost feather. Benny shook his head and started to return to the kitchen, when he remembered his father's advice to always be polite. So he asked the bird if she needed any help finding the feather.

The bird nodded eagerly, and Benny decided to help. They searched high and low, and finally found the feather in a bush. The bird thanked Benny and flew away, chirping happily. Benny started to return to the kitchen, feeling proud of himself for being helpful. But as he was walking, he heard a loud gobble. He looked around and saw a hungry wolf who was looking at him hungrily.

Benny was scared, but he remembered his father's words that courage comes from within. So he bravely answered the wolf, "Excuse me, but I'm on my way back to my home now. I don't have any food to give you." The wolf looked surprised, then nodded and went on his way.

Benny finally made it back to the kitchen, where his parents were waiting for him. They were happy to see him safe and sound, and they asked him what had happened. Benny told them about his adventure, and they were proud of him for being brave and helpful. And from that day on, Benny learned that sometimes, the best answer is the one that comes from your heart.


  1. Why did Benny groan when he was asked to go see who was knocking at the door?
  2. How did Benny feel after helping the bird find its feather?
  3. How did Benny face the hungry wolf?
  4. What did Benny learn from his adventure?
  5. Can you think of a time when you helped someone, like Benny did in the story?

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