Brain's Adventure in the Sky

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Brain who lived in a cozy nest on the surface of a tall tree. Brain loved to glide through the air, feeling the wind rush past its feathers.

One day, while Brain was taking a nap, it suddenly woke up and looked up at the ceiling above. To its surprise, it saw a beautiful world waiting to be explored! Brain decided to spread its wings and glide upwards, soaring higher and higher until it reached the top of the tree.

Brain looked around and saw a world full of wonders, from towering mountains to sparkling lakes. It felt so free and alive, gliding through the air with ease.

And so, every day, Brain would wake up early and soar into the sky, discovering new sights and sounds along the way. Brain never forgot the thrill of being awake and exploring the world, and it lived a happy life, always eager for adventure.


  1. Where did Brain live?
  2. How did Brain feel when it first saw the ceiling above it?
  3. What did Brain do every day after it discovered the world above the tree?
  4. How did Brain feel about exploring the world?
  5. What did Brain discover on its adventures in the sky?

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