The Chimpanzee's Tool-Using Ways: A Study in Africa

Once upon a time, a scientist traveled to Africa to study the behavior of different species of apes. One day, while observing a group of chimpanzees, the scientist noticed that they were using tools to gather food. This was very interesting to the scientist and she made many notes about it in her notebook. She wanted to understand more about how these apes behave and what makes them so special. The scientist spent many days watching and taking notes on the chimpanzees, learning about their social structure and how they used tools. In the end, the scientist realized that these amazing creatures were incredibly intelligent and had much to teach us about our own species.


  1. What did the scientist observe about the chimpanzees?
  2. Why was it interesting to the scientist?
  3. How did the scientist learn about the chimpanzees?
  4. What did the scientist realize about the chimpanzees in the end?
  5. What can we learn from the story about chimpanzees and their behavior?

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