Max and the Living Chip: A Rainbow Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a grizzly bear named Max who lived in an igloo. One day, he woke up to find a beautiful rainbow outside his window. He was so surprised that he couldn’t believe his eyes! Max decided to follow the rainbow to see where it led him. As he walked along the rainbow, he saw all sorts of animals who were also following it. They were all peers of Max, but he was the only one who lived in an igloo.

Max finally reached the end of the rainbow, and he found a big pile of chips! He shouted “Hooray!” and started to eat the chips. But then he noticed one tiny chip was missing. Max looked around, but he couldn’t find it anywhere. Suddenly, he heard a small voice say “except me”. It was the missing chip! It had come to life and wanted to join Max on his adventures.

Max was so happy to have a new friend, and he promised to take care of the chip always. They continued to follow the rainbow and have many more adventures together. Hooray for Max and his new friend!


  1. Why was Max surprised when he saw the rainbow?
  2. Who did Max meet at the end of the rainbow?
  3. What did Max promise to the chip?
  4. What kind of adventures did Max and the chip have together?
  5. Why did Max live in an igloo?

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