Toasty's Tunnel Adventure

Once upon a time there was a little bunny named Toasty. Toasty loved to explore and one day, while hopping through the forest, she found a dark tunnel. She was a bit scared but her curious nature won and she hopped inside. It was cool and damp in the tunnel but soon she found a warm light at the end. As she got closer, she realized that it was a toasty fire! Toasty was so happy and she sat by the fire to warm up. But soon she realized that she needed to get back home before it got too late. So she said goodbye to the fire and hopped back through the tunnel. From then on, every time Toasty was feeling a bit chilly, she would remember her adventure in the tunnel and the toasty fire that kept her warm.


  1. How did Toasty feel when she first saw the tunnel?
  2. What did Toasty find at the end of the tunnel?
  3. Why did Toasty go back home?
  4. How do you think Toasty felt after her adventure in the tunnel?
  5. If you were Toasty, would you have gone into the tunnel too? Why or why not?

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