Title: "Cupid's Lost Bow and Arrow: A Tale of Kindness and Love

Once upon a time, there was a little angel named Cupid. He had a bow and arrow that he used to spread love wherever he went. But one day, Cupid's bow and arrow went missing! He searched high and low but couldn't find them anywhere.

Finally, after many days of searching, Cupid found his bow and arrow under a tree where a group of children were playing with them. Cupid approached the children and asked for his bow and arrow back. The children were so pleased to meet Cupid that they happily gave the bow and arrow back to him.

Cupid was so pleased with the children's kindness that he decided to spread extra love to them as a thank you. From that day on, the children felt extra special and loved every time they remembered their encounter with Cupid and his bow and arrow.


  1. Why was Cupid searching for his bow and arrow?
  2. How did the children feel when they met Cupid?
  3. What did Cupid do to thank the children for their kindness?
  4. How did the children feel after their encounter with Cupid?
  5. What is the message of the story?

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