The Grumpy Neighbor's Snowshoe Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a grumpy old man who lived next door. He never seemed to have a good day and always complained. One day, the snow started to fall and it was coming down in buckets. The neighbor decided to go snowshoeing to clear his head. But as he looked out the window, he saw that the snow was too deep. He wondered how he was going to make it through.

His young neighbor came over and suggested that he wear his galoshes. The grumpy man was skeptical, but decided to give it a try. To his surprise, the galoshes worked like a charm and he was able to go on a terrific adventure. Along the way, he discovered that snowshoeing was actually quite fun. He noticed the beauty of the falling snow and the way it twinkled in the sunlight.

As they walked, they talked and laughed, and the grumpy old man's wrinkles began to smooth. With each step, he felt happier and happier. When they returned home, the grumpy man was no longer grumpy. He was grateful for the adventure and for his young neighbor who had suggested it.

From then on, whenever it snowed, the grumpy man would bundle up and go snowshoeing. He learned that sometimes, all it takes is a little change of perspective to turn a terrible day into a terrific one.


  1. Why was the grumpy old man feeling grumpy at the beginning of the story?
  2. What did his neighbor suggest he wear to go snowshoeing?
  3. How did the grumpy old man feel after going on the adventure?
  4. What did the grumpy old man learn about life by the end of the story?

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