The Protectors of the Magical Forest

Once upon a time, there was a magical forest filled with all sorts of trees. Some were called "coniferous" trees because they kept their needles all year round. Others were called "deciduous" because they lost their leaves every fall.

One day, the animals of the forest noticed that there were fewer and fewer of the old-growth trees in the forest. These trees were very special because they had been growing for hundreds of years! They provided homes for many creatures and helped protect the forest canopy.

The animals learned that old-growth trees were becoming "endangered," which means that there were very few left and they were in danger of disappearing forever.

So, the animals came up with a plan to "protect" the remaining old-growth trees. They worked together to make sure that no one harmed them and that new trees were planted so that the forest could "return" to its former beauty.

And as time passed, the old-growth trees became less "rare" and more "common" once again. The animals were so happy to see the forest thriving and full of life!

The definition of "protect" is to keep something safe from harm. And that is exactly what the animals did for the old-growth trees in the magical forest.


  1. What are coniferous and deciduous trees?
  2. Why were the old-growth trees in danger?
  3. What did the animals do to protect the old-growth trees?
  4. What does the word "endangered" mean?
  5. How did the forest change over time?

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