Benny the Beaver and his Animal Friends

Once upon a time, deep in the forest, there was a beaver named Benny. Benny loved to build dams and make his home as cozy as possible. One day, while he was out collecting sticks for his dam, he saw a fly buzzing around. The fly was having trouble flying because it had a broken wing. Benny felt sorry for the fly and decided to help it.

He took the fly to his dam and made a little house for it out of twigs and mud. The fly was so grateful and thanked Benny for his kindness.

The next day, Benny was out foraging for food when he came across a bee who was stuck in a spider web. Benny carefully freed the bee and brought it back to his dam. The bee was so appreciative and thanked Benny for his help.

As the days passed, Benny met more and more animals who needed his help. He met a ladybug who was lost, a jellyfish that had washed up on shore, a seahorse that was stuck in a fisherman's net, a raccoon that had been injured, and a snail that was trying to cross a busy road.

Benny helped each and every one of them and they all became friends. They all lived happily together in Benny's cozy dam, taking care of each other and helping each other out.

And they all lived happily ever after.


  1. Why do you think Benny felt the need to help the fly?
  2. How do you think the other animals felt when Benny helped them?
  3. Why do you think it's important to help others?

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