The Success of Giving: Mark's Story of Relief

Once upon a time there was a kind boy named Mark. He loved to help others and feel the relief they got from his giving. One day, Mark decided he wanted to be successful in making people happy. So, he set out on a mission to bring relief and joy to everyone he met. He helped at the local food bank, volunteered at a nursing home, and even gave away his allowance to those in need.

With each act of kindness, Mark felt a sense of success and satisfaction. People around him noticed his good deeds and started to spread the word about how wonderful Mark was. Soon, Mark became known as the "Giver of Relief" and his success in bringing happiness to others made him famous far and wide.

Years went by and Mark continued to give and bring relief to those who needed it most. He was proud of the success he had achieved and was grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. And so, Mark lived happily ever after, always finding joy in giving and bringing relief to others.


  1. What did Mark want to achieve in his life?
  2. What did Mark do to bring relief and joy to others?
  3. How did people respond to Mark's acts of kindness?
  4. Why was Mark happy with his success?
  5. What lesson did you learn from Mark's story?

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