Mittens and the Windy Kite Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little cat named Mittens who was always feeling nervous and confuse. One day, Mittens learned an idiom that made her even more confuse. She asked her friend, a wise old owl, to explain it to her. The owl said "Let me show you, not just tell you."
So, the owl brought Mittens to another place where they met a group of animals trying to control a kite in the wind. The owl explained, "You see Mittens, the idiom 'to take control of the situation' means to manage and handle things effectively, just like these animals are trying to control the kite."
Mittens felt better, though she still didn't fully understand the idiom. But she was happy to have learned something new and promised to keep practicing until she got it.
The end.


  1. What made Mittens feel nervous and confuse?
  2. What did the wise old owl do to explain the idiom to Mittens?
  3. What did Mittens learn about the idiom "to take control of the situation"?
  4. How did Mittens feel after learning about the idiom?
  5. Can you think of another idiom that you don't understand?

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