Maya's Percentage Savings Raise

Once there was a little girl named Maya who loved to save her money. She kept all her savings in her piggy bank and every time she got some money, she would add it to her savings. One day, Maya's mother told her that she was getting a raise of 10 percent at work. Maya was very happy for her mother and asked what a percentage was.

Her mother explained that a percentage is a part of a whole and it is expressed as a number out of 100. So the raise meant that her mother's salary would increase by 10 out of 100 parts of her original salary.

Maya was so inspired by her mother's raise that she decided to start saving a certain percentage of her allowance every week. She decided to save 10 percent of her allowance every week and put it into her piggy bank.

As time passed, Maya's savings grew and she was proud of herself for being able to save a percentage of her allowance every week. She learned the importance of saving and how even a small percentage can add up over time.

The end.


  1. What is a percentage?
  2. How did Maya's mother get a raise?
  3. Why did Maya start saving a percentage of her allowance?
  4. How did Maya's savings grow over time?
  5. What did Maya learn about saving?

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