The Brave Knight and the Magic Cure

Once upon a time, there was a kind and brave king who ruled a magical kingdom. One day, the king got sick, and no one knew how to cure him. The kingdom was in trouble, and everyone grumbled.

A wise old man suggested that the cure might be found at the top of a giant beanstalk that grew in the kingdom's market. The king sent his bravest knight to climb the beanstalk and find the cure. The knight packed a wagonload of goods to trade with whoever he would meet at the top.

As the knight climbed higher and higher, he came across a giant who had an ax. The giant threatened to topple thebeanstalk and the knight with it if he didn't leave immediately. However, the knight convinced the giant to trade the ax for the goods he brought.

The knight finally reached the top of the beanstalk and found a magical healer who lived there. The healer had the cure for the king's illness and was happy to trade it for the ax. The knight took the cure back to the kingdom and the king was healed.

Everyone in the kingdom was overjoyed and the king declared a big celebration to thank the knight and the healer. From that day on, the kingdom was filled with happiness and peace. The end.


  1. Why was the king sick?
  2. What did the wise old man suggest to find the cure?
  3. Who climbed the beanstalk to find the cure?
  4. What did the knight trade with the giant?
  5. Who had the cure for the king's illness?
  6. How did the kingdom feel after the king was healed?
  7. What was the celebration for?

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