Darryl and the Cartilage Shark

Once there was a curious dinosaur named Darryl who loved to explore the world around him. Darryl had a strong skeleton made of bones that held him upright and gave him support. One day, while exploring the ocean, Darryl came across a shark with a strange pattern on its dorsal fin. The shark was so confusing to Darryl because he had never seen anything like it before. He decided to ask the shark about the pattern and why he was so different from other sea creatures. The shark explained that his skeleton was unique because it was made of cartilage instead of bones. Darryl was amazed and couldn't believe that such a powerful creature could have a flexible skeleton like that. From that day on, Darryl learned to appreciate the differences in all creatures and the unique patterns that made them special.


  1. What made Darryl so curious about the shark?
  2. How did the shark's skeleton differ from Darryl's skeleton?
  3. What did Darryl learn from his encounter with the shark?
  4. How can we appreciate the differences in others?

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