The Brave Train Driver: A Story of the Secret Railroad during the Civil War

Once upon a time, there was a Civil War and many slaves were trying to escape to freedom. They heard about a secret railroad that could help them get to safety. They knew they had to be careful because they could be hired or fired at any moment.

One day, a brave slave named Tom decided to escape. He took a drill bit and started digging a tunnel under the railroad tracks. He worked hard for many days and nights until he finally broke through and made a hole big enough for him to crawl through.

Tom was amazed by what he saw on the other side of the hole. There was a huge locomotive with a big lever that controlled the movement of the train. He knew he had to be careful not to get caught by the conductor.

Tom quietly climbed into the locomotive and started to explore. He found a steel driver and started playing with it. Suddenly, the train started moving and Tom was scared! But then he remembered the lever and pulled it to stop the train.

He was so proud of himself for being brave and clever. He knew that he could help many other slaves escape to freedom if he could just figure out how to drive the locomotive. So, he continued to practice and soon became an expert train driver.

Tom helped many other slaves escape to freedom on his secret railroad. And even though he faced many challenges and dangers, he never gave up hope. He always remembered that he was brave and clever, and that he could do anything he set his mind to. The end.


  1. Why did Tom escape to the secret railroad?
  2. How did Tom learn to drive the locomotive?
  3. What challenges did Tom face on his journey?
  4. Why was it important for Tom to be brave and clever?
  5. How did Tom help other slaves escape to freedom?

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