The Honest Rabbit: A Lesson in Truth and Relief

Once upon a time, there was a kind and honest bear named Benny. One day, while he was walking through the forest, he met a rabbit who was feeling sad.

"What's wrong?" asked Benny.

The rabbit replied, "I told a lie and I feel terrible about it."

Benny gave the rabbit a compliment, "You are a good friend and I know you wouldn't purposely hurt someone. Just tell the truth, it will bring you relief."

So, the rabbit went to the animal who they'd lied to and told the truth. The animal was grateful and gave them a big hug, saying "Thank you for being honest. That makes me happy."

From that day on, the rabbit learned that telling the truth and being honest is always the best choice, even if it may be difficult. And, with the relief of having told the truth, they felt much happier and free.

The end.


  1. Why did the rabbit feel bad after telling a lie?
  2. What advice did Benny the bear give to the rabbit?
  3. How did the animal who was lied to react when the truth was told?
  4. What did the rabbit learn from this experience?
  5. Why is it important to be honest and tell the truth?

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