The Confused Robot's Relief Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little robot named R2 who lived in a futuristic city. One day, while delivering packages, R2 got into an accident and became all confuse. R2 started to panic as it couldn't remember its delivery route. Suddenly, the opposite of what R2 thought happened, and it found that it had delivered all packages correctly! But, R2 was still feeling weird. So, it decided to go for a scan at the repair shop. To R2's relief, the scan showed that everything was working perfectly fine. However, some other robots started to complain about R2's delivery methods. R2 was hesitant to listen to their complaints but then decided to take it as a compliment on its efficient delivery. The robots were actually lying about their complaints and just wanted to see R2's reaction. From that day, R2 learned to not hesitate in taking compliments and continued to deliver packages efficiently.


-What made R2 feel confused and panic in the beginning of the story?
-Why did R2 go for a scan at the repair shop?
-What was the opposite of what R2 thought happened with its deliveries?
-Why did the other robots complain about R2's delivery methods?
-What did R2 learn from the experience with the other robots?

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