Benny the Bolting Bolt and the Custom Boll Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bolt named Benny. He lived in a factory that made custom bolls for different machines. Benny was always fascinated by the bolls and loved to watch them being made.
One day, while exploring the factory, Benny stumbled upon a boll that was not like the others. It was shiny and had a special design on it. Benny asked the workers what it was for and they told him it was a custom boll, made for a very important machine.
Benny was so excited about the custom boll that he decided to go on an adventure to find the machine it belonged to. He traveled through mountains and valleys, facing many obstacles along the way. But with determination and bravery, Benny finally found the machine.
The machine was so grateful to have its custom boll back that it gave Benny a special power - the ability to move at lightning speed, just like a bolt of lightning! From that day on, Benny was known as the "bolting bolt" and all the other bolts looked up to him with admiration.
The end.


  1. Why was Benny fascinated by the custom boll?
  2. What did Benny have to overcome on his adventure?
  3. How did the machine repay Benny for returning the custom boll?
  4. What does it mean to be brave?
  5. What is the moral of the story?

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