The Magic Bolt and the Indigo Linen

Once upon a time, in a land of vibrant colors, there lived a prince who loved to wear clothes made from the finest linen. One day, the prince came across an antique bolt that was said to have magical powers. The bolt was banned from being used by anyone other than the king, but the prince was curious about its powers and decided to use it anyway.
The prince was amazed as the bolt transformed his casual clothes into a magnificent outfit made of indigo cloth with diagonal patterns. The outfit was held together with shining rivets that sparkled like diamonds. The prince was so pleased with his new attire that he decided to make it a custom for everyone in the kingdom to wear clothes made from the finest linen and adorned with the magic bolt.
However, the king was not pleased with the prince's actions and banned the use of the magic bolt. But the people of the kingdom were not willing to give up their beautiful clothes, so they secretly continued to use the bolt to make their clothes. They even started growing bolls of indigo to make more cloth for their clothes.
And so, the tradition of wearing clothes made from the finest linen and adorned with the magic bolt continued for generations, becoming a treasured part of their culture. The end.


  1. Why was the magic bolt banned?
  2. How did the prince feel about his new outfit?
  3. What did the people of the kingdom do after the king banned the use of the magic bolt?
  4. Why did the tradition of wearing clothes made from the finest linen and adorned with the magic bolt continue for generations?
  5. Do you think the prince made the right decision to use the magic bolt even though it was banned? Why or why not?

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