The Statue of Liberty: A Symbol of Independence and Freedom

Once upon a time, there was a young engineer named Liberty. She loved to create and build things that would make life easier for everyone. One day, she decided to build a statue to represent the true meaning of independence and freedom.
She used iron bars for the structure, a copper sheet for the body and a tablet as the base. She lit a torch to guide her through the night and worked tirelessly until the statue was complete.
The next morning, when everyone saw the statue, they were amazed by its beauty and symbolism. It stood tall and proud, with its tablet showing the words "Independence and Freedom."
Liberty had created a model for others to follow, inspiring them to strive for their own independence and freedom. People came from far and wide to admire the statue and to learn from Liberty's example. And so, the statue became a symbol of hope and inspiration for generations to come.


  1. Who is Liberty, and what did she build?
  2. What is the significance of the statue that was built?
  3. How did people feel when they saw the statue for the first time?
  4. Why is the statue important for future generations?
  5. What does the statue symbolize about independence and freedom?

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