Curly the Caterpillar's Transformation

Once upon a time, there was a caterpillar named Curly who lived in a forest. Curly loved to eat leaves and spin cocoons to rest in. One day, while eating a leaf, Curly noticed that his bristles were covered in mucus. He felt very uncomfortable and didn't know what to do.

Luckily, his friend, a wise butterfly named Benny, came to visit. Benny told Curly that the mucus was actually special silk that he could use to spin his cocoon. So, Curly started spinning, using his bristles to make sure the silk was strong and snug.

Days passed, and Curly's cocoon started to harden, turning into a beautiful castings. Then came the day when Curly finally emerged, having transformed into a gorgeous butterfly! His friends were amazed by his transformation and they all admired his castings, which had become a beautiful work of art.

From that day on, Curly was never afraid of his mucus again, knowing it was just a part of his journey to becoming a beautiful butterfly.

The End.


  1. What was Curly feeling when he noticed his bristles were covered in mucus?
  2. How did Benny help Curly?
  3. What happened to Curly's cocoon after a few days?
  4. How did Curly feel about his mucus after transforming into a butterfly?

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