Max the Brave: Protecting the Burrow with Musk

Once upon a time, there was a small mammal named Max. He lived in a cozy den deep in the forest with his rodent relatives. One day, Max heard a warning from his enemy, a sly fox, about a dangerous disease called rabies spreading in the area.
Max was scared but didn't want to leave his burrow and family behind. So he decided to find a solution. He asked his wise old relative, Grandpa mouse, for advice. Grandpa mouse told him about the power of musk and how it can keep away danger.
Max set off on an arch to gather musk from the nearby caves. He finally found the musk and sprinkled it all around his den. The musk worked like magic and kept the rabies-carrying animals away. Max and his family were safe once again. From then on, Max was known as the brave protector of the burrow.


  1. Who is Max and where does he live?
  2. What did Max hear from his enemy?
  3. How did Max keep himself and his family safe from rabies?
  4. What did Grandpa mouse tell Max about musk?
  5. What did Max become known as after using musk to protect his den?

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