Benny the Brave Bear and his Asthma Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Benny. Benny had a common disease called asthma. This meant that his airways sometimes became narrow and made it hard for him to breathe. He would wheeze and cough, which were symptoms of his asthma.

The cause of Benny's asthma was because of triggers like dust, pet hair, and even mist. To avoid these triggers, Benny's doctor told him to keep his house clean and to use an inhaler when he felt like he couldn't catch his breath.

One day, while playing in the woods, Benny started to wheeze and cough. He remembered what his doctor told him and quickly used his inhaler. The medicine helped him breathe easier and he was able to play with his friends without any trouble.

From that day on, Benny made sure to always carry his inhaler with him and avoid his asthma triggers. He lived a happy and healthy life, breathing easily without any wheezing or coughing!


  1. What is asthma and what are the symptoms of it?
  2. What triggers Benny's asthma?
  3. How does Benny avoid his asthma triggers?
  4. Why is it important for Benny to always carry his inhaler with him?
  5. How does Benny feel after he uses his inhaler in the woods?

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