The Otter's Ocean Adventure

Once upon a time, in a vast and deep ocean, there lived a curious little otter named Olly. Olly loved to explore and discover new things about the world around him. One day, while swimming, he found a compass and was fascinated by how it always pointed north.
He decided to take it with him on his next adventure and met a wise old dolphin named Dolly who told him about the magnetic field that made the compass work. Olly learned that animals have their own ways of sensing the world around them, like his whiskers which helped him balance in the water and detect electric fields.
Excited to try out his new knowledge, Olly set off on a journey with his mate, a sea turtle named Turtly. As they swam through the ocean, they heard an echo and used their sensors to find a hidden treasure. With the help of the compass and their own unique senses, Olly and Turtly had a grand adventure and discovered many new things about their underwater world.

The end.


  1. What did Olly find in the ocean that helped him on his journey?
  2. How did Olly and Turtly find the hidden treasure?
  3. What did Olly learn from Dolly the dolphin about the world around him?
  4. What are some ways animals can sense the world around them?
  5. Why was the compass important to Olly's adventure?

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