The Sweet Adventure of Timmy and the Etrog

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a persimmon tree. Every year, during the Chusok celebration, the townspeople would gather the sweet fruit from the tree and make special treats to share with their friends and family.
One year, a little boy named Timmy noticed that the persimmons were not as sweet as usual. He wondered why and decided to ask the wise old man in the village. The old man told him about the etrog, a special fruit used for the Chusok celebration, and how it had magical powers that could make the persimmons sweeter.
So Timmy set out on a journey to find the etrog. He traveled far and wide, facing many challenges along the way. But with determination and courage, he finally found the etrog and brought it back to the village.
When the Chusok celebration arrived, Timmy placed the etrog near the persimmon tree, and to everyone's surprise, the persimmons were sweeter than ever before! The townspeople were so grateful to Timmy and threw a big celebration in his honor.
From that day on, Timmy was known as the brave and clever boy who brought sweetness back to the Chusok celebration. And every year, the townspeople would gather around the persimmon tree, taste the sweet fruit, and remember Timmy's bravery.


  1. Why did Timmy set out on a journey to find the etrog?
  2. What kind of challenges did Timmy face during his journey?
  3. How did Timmy's bravery bring sweetness back to the Chusok celebration?
  4. What is the significance of the persimmon tree in the story?
  5. How did the townspeople feel about Timmy after he brought the etrog back?

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