Halfie's Equal Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a bird named Halfie who thought she was unequal to all the other birds. She could only glide, not swoop or flap like the others. One day, while feeling sad and hopeless, she met a wise old owl who told her, "Being different is what makes you special. Embrace your unique talents."

Halfie decided to put this advice into action and entered a flying competition. To her surprise, she glided with such grace and beauty that she came in fourth place, ahead of many birds who could swoop and flap.

Feeling proud of herself, Halfie continued to practice and soon became an expert glider. She even discovered a new trick where she could glide for twice as long as before, which she called the "eighth glide."

The other birds were amazed by Halfie's newfound confidence and skills, and they all cheered for her during the next flying competition. This time, Halfie came in first place and was declared the champion glider. From then on, she lived happily ever after, knowing that being equal to others wasn't as important as being true to herself.


  1. What made Halfie feel unequal to the other birds at first?
  2. How did the wise old owl help Halfie feel better about herself?
  3. Why was Halfie proud of her performance in the fourth place during the flying competition?
  4. How did Halfie become a champion glider?
  5. Why is being true to yourself more important than being equal to others?

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