Celebrating Traditions: Honoring Ancestors in the Village

Once upon a time in a small village, there was a tradition to celebrate the memory of their ancestors. Every year on the same day, the villagers would decorate their homes and the cemetery with colorful flowers and set up an altar in honor of their loved ones who have passed away. They believed that by doing this, they kept the spirit of their ancestors alive and remembered their heritage and culture. Children would run around laughing and playing, as the villagers sang and danced to celebrate the occasion. The whole village would come together to remember their ancestors and honor their traditions, keeping their culture alive for generations to come.


  1. What is the tradition in the village?
  2. How do the villagers honor their ancestors during the celebration?
  3. Why is it important to remember and celebrate their heritage and culture?
  4. How does the decoration of homes and cemetery contribute to the celebration?
  5. What does the altar symbolize in the story?

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