Once upon a time, in a far-off Asian village, there was a small girl named Lily. She loved to help her mother in the kitchen, especially when they were making delicious stir-fry dishes.
One day, Lily's mother asked her to measure out 1 cup of rice for their dinner. She gave Lily a measuring cup and showed her how to use it.
Next, Lily helped her mother pour the rice into a strainer to rinse it. The strainer helped absorb any excess water.
After that, Lily's mother heated up a wok on the stove and added some oil to it. Then she added the rice to the wok and started stirring it with a spatula.
Lily watched as her mother added vegetables and spices to the wok, making sure to evenly distribute the ingredients.
Finally, Lily's mother served the stir-fry on a big platter and everyone sat down to enjoy their delicious meal.
From that day on, Lily knew how to make a perfect stir-fry just like her mother, using a wok, measuring cup, strainer, spatula and her love for cooking!
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