Lily and the Paramedic: A Story of Overcoming Asthma Panic.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who had asthma. Sometimes when she ran too fast or was around things that triggered her asthma, like pets or dust, she would start to wheeze and feel very scared.

One day, while she was playing at the park with her friends, she suddenly started to wheeze and have trouble breathing. Her friends noticed and quickly called for a paramedic. The paramedic knew it was important for Lily to use her inhaler right away to help her breathe easier.

As the paramedic helped Lily calm down and use her inhaler, she explained to Lily and her friends about the triggers for asthma and how important it is to always carry an inhaler with her. From that day on, Lily made sure to always have her inhaler with her and to avoid her triggers as much as possible.

Whenever she felt a panic coming on, she would take deep breaths and remind herself that she had her inhaler and that everything was going to be okay. And so, Lily was able to play and have fun without the fear of another asthma attack.


  1. What did Lily learn about managing her asthma?
  2. What did the paramedic teach Lily and her friends about triggers for asthma?
  3. Why was it important for Lily to always have her inhaler with her?
  4. How did Lily feel before she used her inhaler in the story?
  5. Can you think of another way Lily could manage her asthma besides using her inhaler?

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