The Determined Fisherboy and the Enormous Prize

Once upon a time, there was a determined young boy named Timmy who loved to fish. He heard about a secret fishing derby where the fisherman with the biggest catch would win an enormous prize. Timmy decided to participate and spent all day patiently waiting on his perch for the perfect catch. Suddenly, he heard a bullhorn announcing the start of the derby, and all the fishermen started casting their lines. Timmy was determined to win and after hours of waiting, he finally caught a huge fish. To his surprise, it was the biggest catch of the day and he won the enormous prize. Timmy was overjoyed and couldn't wait to show off his trophy to all his friends. The end.


  1. What did Timmy win in the fishing derby?
  2. Why was Timmy determined to win the prize?
  3. Why was Timmy patiently waiting on his perch?
  4. How did Timmy feel when he won the enormous prize?
  5. What did Timmy do with the trophy after winning the derby?

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