The Clean-Up of the Delta Watershed

Once upon a time, in a delta region, there was a small village. The villagers relied on the river for their daily needs. They used the groundwater for drinking and irrigation. The river flowed through a floodplain, where it deposited sediment and nutrients that were essential for the growth of crops and plants.

One day, a factory was built upstream, and it started polluting the river. The toxic waste from the factory flowed into the tributary, which joined the main river. The water became contaminated, and the groundwater was also affected.

The villagers noticed that their crops were no longer growing as well as they used to. They investigated and found out that the pollution was causing the soil to lose its nutrients and become barren.

They decided to take action and approached the factory owner. They explained the problem and asked him to stop polluting the river. The owner realized his mistake and agreed to clean up the mess he had created.

The villagers worked together to restore the watershed and the river to its former beauty. They planted new trees, cleaned up the banks, and monitored the water quality. Slowly, the river became crystal clear and the soil regained its fertility. The crops grew tall and strong, and the villagers were happy once again.

The end.


  1. What was the problem in the village?
  2. How did the villagers discover the source of the problem?
  3. Why was it important to clean up the river and the watershed?
  4. Who solved the problem, and how did they do it?
  5. What was the outcome of the clean-up?

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