The Journey of the Brave Birds

Once upon a time in a far-off land, there lived many beautiful birds. But, one day, they noticed that some of their friends were no longer around. The pelican, huia, and bearded barbet were all extinct. The remaining birds were very sad and didn't know what to do. They decided to go on a journey to find out what had happened to their friends.

Along the way, they met a hummingbird who told them about the dangers of air pockets. Air pockets could cause birds to fall from the sky and never return. The stork warned them about the dangers of eating shellfish, which could make them sick and unable to fly.

The toucan suggested they fly together in a group to avoid the dangers of air pockets and shellfish. The crossbill and hornbill agreed and they all set off on their journey. They flew over mountains and rivers, across oceans and forests. They saw many amazing things along the way.

Finally, they reached a magical place where they found all their extinct friends. They were living in peace and happiness in a special sanctuary. The birds were overjoyed to see their friends again and learned that they were safe and protected in this magical place.

From then on, the birds made sure to fly together in a group and avoid the dangers of air pockets and shellfish. They all lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. Why did the birds go on a journey?
  2. What did they learn about air pockets and shellfish?
  3. How did they find their extinct friends?
  4. What did they do to live safely and happily ever after?
  5. Can you name some of the birds in the story?

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