The Stride-a-lots: Heroes with a Step

Once upon a time, there was a unique species of animals called “Stride-a-lots”. They were known for their amazing stride and could cover great distances in just one step. The other species of animals were amazed by their ability and often asked them how they managed to take such long strides.

The Stride-a-lots told them that it was all about practice and determination. They would practice their stride every day, taking longer and longer strides until they finally perfected it.

One day, when the other species were in trouble and needed to get to a faraway place quickly, the Stride-a-lots offered to help. They took long strides and quickly covered the distance, saving the day.

From that day on, the other species looked up to the Stride-a-lots as heroes and admired their stride even more. They learned that with practice and determination, they could achieve anything they set their minds to.

The end.


  1. What is special about the Stride-a-lots species?
  2. How did the Stride-a-lots perfect their stride?
  3. How did the Stride-a-lots help the other species?
  4. Why do the other species look up to the Stride-a-lots as heroes?
  5. What can we learn from the Stride-a-lots about practice and determination?

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